Aili Eistrat - Estonian Day Course - 11th January 1986

1. Kosjatants
2. Kassari
3. Pulgatants
4. Konnatants

Play all 4 tracks of album (11:24)

Detailed track listing:

1. Kosjatants (3:11)
Artist: Aili Eistrat
Album: Estonian Day Course - 11th January 1986
Year: 1986
Genre: National Folk
Country/Region: Estonia
MP3 file: es861t01.mp3

2. Kassari (2:39)
Artist: Aili Eistrat
Album: Estonian Day Course - 11th January 1986
Year: 1986
Genre: National Folk
Country/Region: Estonia
Comment: (Set of six couples in long-ways set)
MP3 file: es861t02.mp3

3. Pulgatants (2:59)
Artist: Aili Eistrat
Album: Estonian Day Course - 11th January 1986
Year: 1986
Genre: National Folk
Country/Region: Estonia
Comment: (Stick dance for men)
MP3 file: es861t03.mp3

4. Konnatants (2:35)
Artist: Aili Eistrat
Album: Estonian Day Course - 11th January 1986
Year: 1986
Genre: National Folk
Country/Region: Estonia
Comment: (Frog dance)
MP3 file: es861t04.mp3